- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~2WGEL #
- I miss lazyfeed's old level of laziness. It's just not as lazy anymore
- Whirlwind: A Blogger's Fight With Steve Jobs http://ff.im/-ktoT9 #
- Free Cake in SUB1 lounge! #gmu #
- Xixi Quan has a great article up on the rise of slums in Beijing, check it out. – http://bit.ly/bmmMck #
- @gmugpss Interesting link. I know quite a few liberal Jewish students who r supporters of Israel. I'd love to see more than one set of stats in reply to gmugpss #
- #plan May Social Media Breakfast: Time relativity and social media… Wed, May 19, 2010, 8:30-9:30am http://planca.st/1Hq #
- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~cqOU #
- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~iCPU #
- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~zWkp #
- Reading a very intresting interview with Robert Scoble talking about FriendFeed and other social networks. .. http://lazyfeed.com/~WTq3.np #
- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~420kX #
- I've just created a Lazyfeed channel to share my favorite topics and talk about them. Come check it out! http://lazyfeed.com/~1dmkU #
- Errr… sorry for the Lazyfeed spam. I did not know that was happening. Just trying to set up with the new version of the site. #
- Computer is freaking out, need to restart. #
- Come follow me on Lazyfeed, where I post about everything I love without even trying! http://lazyfeed.com/user/AramZS #
- @ethpresso I just found the all topics page, which is very useful. I just wish that the sidebar wasn't un-shrinkable in all situations. in reply to ethpresso #
- @ethpresso Overall, it just feels like there is a lot of excess UI sitting on top of something I loved for its simplicity. in reply to ethpresso #
- @ethpresso Yup, just figured it out. Perhaps not something that should be on by default? in reply to ethpresso #
- I wonder if Verizon will roll out 4G in the DC Metro. That would clinch it for me. http://lazyfeed.com/~3ClWB.nA #
- @ethpresso Ooo. Also: A version of that On Air box that scaled for widescreen users would be awesome. in reply to ethpresso #
- I wish the food at Mein Bowl tasted as good as it looked in the photos. #jc #gmu #
- @VentureBeat heh… too little too late, that's not really going to make folks care about them. in reply to VentureBeat #
- RT @geeksugar: Demand For the Droid Incredible Exceeds Verizon's Supply http://geeksu.gr/8460664 #
- Re: http://dbbradle.tumblr.com/post/608220967 http://ff.im/-kucpi #
- Re: http://dbbradle.tumblr.com/post/608220967 http://ff.im/-kudAz #
- RT @louisgray louisgray.com: Lazyfeed Gets Social, Interactive, With Real-time Remix http://bit.ly/cvwKkX #
- 70 Unique Examples Of 404 Error Pages For Your Inspiration http://ff.im/-kuy76 #
- Wow #gmu So…. No sidewalk to walk from Field House to main campus anymore? I now feel *super safe* walking in the middle of the road. #
- The New Browser Wars: Will Ubuntu Drop Firefox For Google Chrome? http://ff.im/-kuzFH #
- Actual Vatican Sex-Abuse Excuse: Bishops & Priests Don’t Really Work For the Vatican http://ff.im/-kuCQP #
- Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Candidate Makes Awesome, Terrifying Campaign Ad http://ff.im/-kuDxg #
- Fascinating photo essay about bio-chemistry inspired artist Umesh Chandra Varma – http://bit.ly/94Nq2A #
- During UPIU's Going Global program we discover some big differences between journalism in the US and China – http://bit.ly/cTQT7X #
- Check out my podcast about the differences UPIU has discovered between journalism in China and the US http://bit.ly/cHiXG6 #collegejourn #
- RT @ninjaclectic: Tell @KwameBrownDC to be a hero & stand w/ @SaveDCSafetyNet tomorrow at City Hall. #TakeTheCape http://act.ly/207 (RT!) #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-kwOyJ #
- I unlocked the There's Always Peng! achievement on Dead Space! http://ff.im/-kxbo1 #
- Reserved a Taxi to get to #SMBDC – I'll see you there tomorrow. #
- Well. Better late than never to #smcdc #
- I'm at Busboys and Poets #
- RT @MarySMoore #smbdc Social media is more than just staking a claim online; clients have to be actually active #
- At #smbdc – I like the idea of creating incentives and certifications for social media literacy. #
- RT @alexpriest: RT @DCist_Updates: More photos of Marion Barry wearing a superhero cape. Yes. http://bit.ly/boMqpk #
- @stacyannj I'll have to give it a try next time I'm there. in reply to stacyannj #
- How Are America's Top Companies Taxed? (Infographic) http://ff.im/-kzMhD #
- Google Wave Now Open For All http://ff.im/-kzN4t #
- I liked a YouTube video — Who is the "Tea Party" Really? http://youtu.be/BhaD1g9-Dp8?a #
- Netflix troll reviews Bob the Builder [Quite amusing] http://ff.im/-kzWVr #
- RT @yelvington: Getting started with Google's Font API http://bit.ly/bEwc56 #
- Working out of the UPI office today. (@ United Press International (UPI)) http://4sq.com/cQoQnD #
- I just became the mayor of United Press International (UPI) on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cQoQnD #
- RT @lavrusik: Twitter is expecting hundreds of advertisers by the fourth quarter to become self-sustaining: http://bit.ly/c70Fq2 #
- @stacyannj Dunno I'm there for the DC Social Media Club's Social media breakfast, so we get the vry basic catered options, tho they are good in reply to stacyannj #
- RT @Section31Spy: Google tries freeing Web video with WebM (Stephen Shankland/CNET News) http://bit.ly/9o352r #
- Do More with Google Latitude and Your Location Using the New Latitude API http://ff.im/-kA8sh #
- @ethpresso Awesome! I think that pretty much covered the things that confused me. in reply to ethpresso #
- @KevinLoker Oooh. Nifty. in reply to KevinLoker #
- @srubenfeld And here is an interesting response – http://bit.ly/c73bMV in reply to srubenfeld #
- @Mason_Photog LOL "Exclusive ladies' European apparel and accessories" in reply to Mason_Photog #
- Ooooh… new TRON video game! http://lazyfeed.com/~WTq3.pU #
- Interactive Fiction in College Education? #smcedu http://ff.im/-kAyDe #
- This song is altogether too awesome – http://ow.ly/1Nnri #the61 #
- I liked a YouTube video — "Premakes" The Empire Strikes Back (1950) http://youtu.be/KmTpOQrqoO0?a #
- RT @lavrusik: Bloomberg editor in chief clamps down on staff's tweet quality, and accuracy: http://bit.ly/c0FJWg Sends critique to his staff #
- I'm at American Legion Post 8 (300 D Street Se, Washington). http://4sq.com/5LfR2W #
- I just started playing Alan Wake. http://ff.im/-kDD2o #
- I unlocked 17 Xbox achievements on Alan Wake! http://ff.im/-kELX7 #
- @Mason_Photog Hey, I like talking to people on phones!
in reply to Mason_Photog #
- Can we end the totally irrelevant act of ending anything having the slightest hint of scandal with "gate"? This is just getting ridiculous. #
- Is Dora the Explorer an illegal immigrant? http://ff.im/-kJcTg #
- 5 hours of answering e-mails and fulfilling sent requests later I am done with what my e-mail has asked of me and reached inbox 0. #
- I just started playing Brutal Legend. http://ff.im/-kJt99 #
- I unlocked the Got a Car and a Date achievement on Brutal Legend! http://ff.im/-kJyo9 #
- I just started playing Gears of War. http://ff.im/-kLC5g #
- Geraldo’s Panel Struggles To Pass Basic U.S. Citizenship Test http://ff.im/-kNiY3 #
- Don't forget that #collegejourn #cjchat is tonight! Hope to see you there! #
- Turn WordPress Into a Complete CMS For Newsrooms and Multi-User Blogs With Edit Flow http://ff.im/-kNXbf #
- @anandaleeke Thanks for the tweet, the video looks great! in reply to anandaleeke #
- RT @JimMacMillan: Parents group angry at title of CBS series http://su.pr/84jaWl #puhleez #
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